Streambox Cloud with Sessions Workflow: Best Practices, Part 1

Streambox Cloud Sessions

Procedure and Best Practices

This document describes best practices to create reliable and high quality Cloud Sessions for a mixed variety of devices, such as iPhone, iPads, Mac Books, PC, Streambox Node2, Chroma+, Chroma-X, Chroma 4K and Chroma HD devices.

There are 3 sets of settings that need adjustment to use the Cloud Sessions successfully:

- Encoder settings, and

- Session and LDMP settings on a Cloud Server, and
- Session setup on the Media Player or Decoder

Part 1. Create Session

Start by creating a Session for your project. Log in to the closest Streambox Cloud server on the list below and create a new session.

For maximum redundancy, a user in North America can create new session ID?s for each of the three servers in the United States. That way, should a server get overloaded or otherwise not work for you, you and your clients can easily pivot to a new server.

The Encoder must stream to the IP address of the same server on which the Session was created.

While you can use to connect to the closest server, the Encoder will need to be told which one specifically (by IP) to stream to, so you'll need to use your browser to go to that specific server as well, when generating the Session. As a general rule we suggest you use a server near the client where the connectivity is usually the weakest link.

Creating a Session on the Cloud:

After logging in to the Server of your choosing, go to the Sessions Tab, and select Add Session:

Here one can give the Session a unique name and set its expiration (in hours) or set it as 'Unlimited.' Click 'Save' and the Session is registered -- ready to go!

Sessions can be set to never expire, or to expire after a set number of hours. If you?ll be streaming to the same group of people in the future, set the session to Unlimited. There is no limit to the number of Sessions you can create; it's up do you to decide whether to re-use sessions. The service costs the same if you have no Sessions or have twenty.

Here's an example of a newly completed session called "Best Practices."

Each Session has 2 unique codes, both starting with $: the Encoder DRM, which goes into the metadata ("Group" or "DRM" field) of your Encoder, and the Session ID, which goes into the Decoder or Streambox Media Player which will be receiving the stream.

The three servers in North America are, in order of proximity to Hollywood (where we find most of our customers):






Central California


Western Oregon


Northern Virginia

In Europe, we have 2 additional Servers:






Dublin, Ireland


Frankfurt, Germany

The Initial indicates that the Session-generated codes will start with those letters on their respective servers.

Continue reading:
Part 2: Cloud LDMP Settings
Part 3: Encoder Setup

Part 4: Media Player Setup