Dedicated Cloud Server for Post Production
Streambox announces an expansion of Streambox Cloud Services with another dedicated Cloud Server for Post-Production customers in California.
LivePost.Streambox.com is part of the growing number of Streambox Cloud servers using Amazon AWS. The newest LivePost server is designed to handle increased bitrates and an increased number of simultaneous customers for real-time streams including HDR 4:4:4 video.
Delay times and reliability are improved, especially for customers in the greater Los Angeles area.
Cloud-based services from Streambox offer dependable transport on a global basis with collaboration tools for routing and management designed to support digital cinema, post-production, and creative media organizations. Streambox Cloud Services permit users to send private session invitations, share encrypted video, and conduct group review sessions to share live high quality, low latency media up to 4K DCI resolution.
Another Streambox service is Streambox Sessions – a simple and cost-effective way to connect media professionals who require remote, real-time collaboration of high quality, color-rich, secure content across multiple locations without reviewers needing a Cloud account or needing to log in to Streambox Cloud.
Streambox also has other Cloud Servers strategically located around the world:
- USA (California): LivePost.streambox.com
- USA (Oregon): LiveUS.streambox.com
- USA (Northern Virginia): LiveUSEast.streambox.com
- Asia Pacific (Sydney): LiveAU.streambox.com
- Europe (Frankfurt): LiveDE.streambox.com
- Europe (Ireland): LiveEU.streambox.com
- Asia Pacific (Tokyo): LiveJP.streambox.com
- South America (Sao Paulo): LiveSA.streambox.com
- Asia Pacific (Singapore): LiveSG.streambox.com
- India (Mumbai): LiveIN.streambox.com
Learn more about Streambox Cloud services here.