How Streambox Cracked Remote Grading
On September 12, 2019, Jigsaw24 published an article about how Streambox's unique "pixel perfect" codec and transport protocol permits users to share much higher resolution content over IP networks, with full colour fidelity and a high degree of reliability. Read the full article here.
Streambox solutions provide streams of 12-bit 4:4:4 HDR footage to be shared over public or private internet connections, even if they're high resolution or high frame rate. Alan Latterri of Instinctual states, "The fact that Streambox performs reliably over the public internet is pretty remarkable and a key differentiator."
Streambox's solutions also enable many kinds of contribution workflows, from live sports broadcast to digital signage. Within post-production and grading, though, there are four main use cases, which are pre-grade preparation, collaborative grading, international and multi-site approvals, and remote screening room and suite access.